2020 Word - Connect
Can you believe that 2019 is almost over?
Even crazier....can you believe that we are days away from a new decade?
That should light a fire in your guts! Not like a taco bell fire...but a good one.
If you haven't thought about it already, I hope you'll give some thought to what you 2020 word is going to be. If you don't know what that is....basically you just choose a word for the year that you want to center your life around.
My 2020 word is CONNECT.

I want to connect more with myself.
It's easy to forget who we are sometimes and I've realized I really need to start checking in with ME. How ya doing Laura? Everything going okay?
I want to connect more with my husband, and my kiddos.
I think we get too dang busy and our days are on auto-pilot.
I find myself asking 'How was your day?' but not always listening to the response. That's a bit embarrassing to admit, but I know I'm not the only one. I know because sometimes when people ask me how my day was, and I start to answer...they're surprised. These 3 people are the most important humans in my life, and I want to be closer with them. Every. Single. Day.

I want to connect more with my close friends.
2019 was a rough friend year. I found myself trying to force
friendships that weren't serving me - they were actually hurting me, and I chose to not see it for a long time. Because of this, I kind of shied away from amazing humans because of fear. The rough friend year broke my heart and I didn't want to imagine that happening again. But we can't live in a bubble...and if I get hurt again, we'll chalk that up to a learning experience too. I'm getting better at boundaries, and I know that makes a huge difference. Yay for learning boundaries at 40! :D
I want to connect more with my community.
It's taken me 16 years to figure it out, but I kinda freakin' like it here....haha.
Let's be clear. I've always enjoyed it here in the summer time. But come winter, I'm ready to go 'home'. But I realized recently that this is home. I really love how Casper has been evolving, and I love being a part of that.
And I also want to connect more with you, my tribe.
You guys are the reason all of this has become possible. What started off as a way to earn a little extra income selling jewelry on Etsy 9 years ago has turned into so so so so much more. I'm so in love with the community of humans you all have created here! I say YOU CREATED because it's true. You guys created this community and I'm so thankful that I get to be a part of it. So, thank you.
I'm hoping that by connecting more to the people and things that are important, I will find it easier to disconnect with the things and people that don't serve me.
So, what do you think? Do you have a word in mind? Spend some time thinking about it and share yours with us on social these next couple of days.
Meanwhile I hope you all have a super duper HAPPY New Year.
Be safe and spend it with people who are made of magic, JUST LIKE YOU!
Glad to hear someone else is doing the Word of the year…mine this year is “UPGRADE”. Upgrading all facets of my life…my thoughts(thinking the positive thoughts and feelings), the people around me, my style of dress, and my interests. Going to be an interesting year!
Laura – I love your word for 2020, and I love that you shared it <3 It was so great to read how you chose the word, and what you are hoping the word will help you accomplish in the new year. I’m still searching for my own word for 2020, but this blog post was a great reminder for me. So thank you!