The Power of Morning Routines

The Power of Morning Routines—Why They Matter and Why They’re Hard

Ah, mornings. Love them or loathe them, they’re the gateway to your day. Whether you’re jumping out of bed with energy or groaning as you hit snooze for the third time, how you start your morning matters more than you might think.

But let’s be real: for most of us, mornings can feel like a mad dash rather than a peaceful prelude. So why is it so hard to create a morning routine that sticks? And why should we even bother?

Let’s dive into the “why” of it all.

Why Morning Routines Matter
Picture this: you wake up, take a few deep breaths, sip your coffee (or tea, mushroom adaptogens...whatever you're into), and set an intention for the day. You feel centered, calm, and ready to face whatever comes your way.

Compare that to this: you wake up late, frantically throw on clothes, grab a granola bar (if you’re lucky), and rush out the door, already stressed before the day’s even begun.

Which version of yourself do you want to bring to the world?

A morning routine gives you a moment to pause and take control before life demands your attention. It’s about showing up for yourself first so you can show up better for everyone else. And while productivity is a nice bonus, the real magic lies in the peace and grounding a morning routine can bring.

Let’s be honest—mornings can be hard. Here’s why:

  1. Perfectionism: We think our mornings have to look like a Pinterest board to be “good.” Spoiler: they don’t.
  2. Overwhelm: Between work, family, and endless to-dos, it’s easy to feel like there’s no time for “extras.”
  3. Habitual Resistance: It’s tough to break the cycle of snoozing alarms and late starts when they feel so ingrained.

I used to struggle too. My mornings often started with my phone—scrolling emails, news, and social media before I even got out of bed. Unsurprisingly, this left me feeling frazzled and drained.

It wasn’t until I made one small change—when my alarm goes off in the morning, I don't start scrolling. I put it down and drink my water. (this also requires filling my water up the night before). I grab my notebook and make a list of the things I know I HAVE to get done that day. The shift didn’t happen overnight, but it reminded me that even tiny changes can make a big impact.

I still get up and drink coffee. But I've realized that drinking my water and making my list first does a few things. 
1. It keeps me off social media. What a train wreck that is at 6am. 
2. It makes my brain work better. 
3. It helps me think about my day in an organized way. 
4. My skin is happier. 

Does this happen 100% of the time? Nope.
Why? Because I'm  human and sometimes I suck. 
Give yourself grace and get back to your routine. :) 

This week, identify one morning habit that’s not serving you. Is it snoozing your alarm? Skipping breakfast? Scrolling your phone? Write it down and brainstorm one small way to replace it with a healthier habit.

Remember: mornings don’t have to be perfect. They just have to work for you.

Want to dive deep with us on this topic all month?
Sign up for my weekly love letters and give more information about morning routines every Tuesday morning. 
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