For the Magic Heart

  • Why You Need A Creative Practice

    Why You Need A Creative Practice

    (No Matter How Creative You Think You Aren’t)

    Creativity. For some of us, it comes as naturally as flight to a bird. For others, it can seem rare and elusive. Today, we’re here to argue that everyone (yes, even those of you who don’t feel creative) needs at least one creative practice.

  • What Motivates You in Life?

    What Motivates You in Life?

    If you’ve been hanging around us at all this month, you’ve confirmed that motivation is quite fickle. We all want to feel motivated because we know how great it is to experience. Motivation brings with it the enthusiasm, energy, and power to get things done and move towards our goals. Yet it cannot be used as our primary source of power. (Go back and read why in this blog post.)


    So, with the knowledge that motivation waxes and wanes, we must be strategic about prioritizing it. It can be a powerful tool once we learn how to get the most out of it. How to do this? Three things:

  • Why Can’t I Stay Motivated?

    Why Can’t I Stay Motivated?

    Like so many things in life, motivation is fleeting. We’ve all felt the frustration of feeling super motivated one day, then having zero motivation the next. It’s easy to make big commitments and feel the fire of being ready to conquer your big goals… And it’s just as easy to slip back into the mundane ruts we’re used to. You may be feeling like there is something wrong with you and asking yourself, “Why can’t I stay motivated?”

    I’m here to tell you there is nothing wrong with you! This is so, so normal for humans. Let’s talk about how motivation works (or doesn’t work).

  • How Passion Leads To Success

    How Passion Leads To Success

    There are a lot of business and life “gurus” out there with a neat little message: “Follow your passion and success will follow!” That’s not blatantly wrong, but it is a little sneaky. They happily leave out the “how” in that statement… And the how is not always pretty. So let’s take this deeper.

  • How to “Find” Your Purpose

    How to “Find” Your Purpose

    “Life without passion would be a dull wasteland of neutrality, cut off and isolated from the richness of life itself.” - Daniel Goleman

    Passion and Purpose are our main focus here at Pure Impressions this month. Regarding both, the #1 searches are people asking how to find them! That makes sense. It is easy to get cut off from what truly makes us fulfilled in this high-tech, high-distraction, high-stress day and age. Rest easy. If you’ve lost your purpose (or never even knew what it was), you can make your way back to it. We’re here to talk about how.