For the Magic Heart

  • Knowledge Speaks; Wisdom Listens

    When was the last time you sat and just… listened? Not to the sounds of cars going by, or the washing machine rumbling, or kids fighting… but to your heart? Or to the heart of another person?
  • Are Affirmations Magic or Bullsh**?

    Are Affirmations Magic or Bullsh**?

    Affirmations. Some self-help folks swear by them. Critics say they’re a crock of kablooie. So which is it? That depends on how you’re using them.

    First of all, what are affirmations?
     An affirmation is a declaration of what is true. Many believe that if a person wants something to be true, they can declare it over and over and it will manifest in their life. For example, a person wanting more money might repeat the affirmation, “I am wealthy. I am wealthy. I am wealthy.” Someone who wants a new job might say, “I work at the job of my dreams. I work at the job of my dreams.”

  • Are You Punishing Yourself?

    I bought new dishes last month. That doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it was actually kinda important to me. Here’s the story:

    When I got divorced almost eight years ago, I felt so guilty and ashamed for wanting to leave my husband that I just gave him everything. 

  • How do I give myself time without feeling lazy?


    Scroll through social media for a few minutes and you’re bound to come across messaging like the above. We are in a society that perpetually wants more and they want it faster. It is easy to slip into feelings of inferiority when everyone else seems to be accomplishing, accomplishing, accomplishing.

    So, the question of the century is, “How do I give myself time without feeling lazy?”

  • The Hardest Gift to Give Yourself (and why you should do it anyway)

    If only… We could pull extra time out of our back pocket whenever we need it! If only… We could happen upon a magical plant that blooms time for us to pick. If only… We could meet a magical time fairy who waves her wand and gives us however many more minutes/days/years we want. I know, the land of “if only” isn’t the healthiest place to live! The reality is, we only have the time we have. Not a minute more, not a minute less. So the best thing to do would be to figure out how to make the most of it.